Fig. 3.
High UCHL1 expression is associated with NB differentiation. a IHC score of UCHL1 expression of poorly differentiated NB (NB pd., n = 20), well-differentiated NB (NB diff, n = 18) and GNB (n = 19) tumor samples in the TMA cohort. b Mass spectra analysis of tumor tissue extraction of poorly differentiated NB (NB pd, n = 18), well-differentiated neuroblastomas (NB diff, n = 19) and GNB/GN (n = 40) patients. UCHL1 was identified and quantified. c-d Protein of tumor tissues from NB (n = 7) and GNB/GN (n = 5) patients was extracted, and UCHL1 and TH protein were measured by immunoblotting analysis. The densitometry of the bands was quantified using ImageJ software, and the correlation between TH and UCHL1 was analyzed. e Dot plot of UCHL1 mRNA expression levels in tumor of NB (n = 29) and GNB (n = 180) from the Asgharzadeh Dataset. f Box plots of individual gene expression levels of GAP43, TH, ENO2 and DBH in tumors of UCHL1 high and low groups (Seeger dataset) using the UCHL1 expression cutoff value. Values are shown as mean ± S.E.M. and statistical significance indicated as * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01 and *** P < 0.001