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. 2018 Oct 25;18:276. doi: 10.1186/s12886-018-0939-3

Table 1.

Summary of 15 recent case reports of toxic anterior segment syndrome

First Author (ref. no.) Number of cases Onset (days after the surgery) Inciting agents Clinical presentations Managements (n) Visual outcomes (n)
Miyake et al. [19] 6 42–167 IOL (ISert model 251, Hoya) Chemosis,
Ciliary injection,
Decreased BCVA,
Corneal edema,
Anterior chamber reaction,
Vitretomy and IOL removal (1),
Capsule irrigation (2),
Medical treatment only (5)
BCVA 20/100 (1),
BCVA ≥20/30 (5)
Suzuki et al. [18] 251 38.44 ± 32.29 Range:0–161 IOL (ISert model 251 and 255, Hoya) Anterior chamber reaction (99.2%), conjunctival injection (41.4%)
Hypopyon (22.7%)
Corneal edema (19.1%)
Keratic precipitates (27.9%)
Medical treatment only (142),
Surgical intervention:
vitrectomy (49), IOL removal (22), chamber irrigation (51)
0.036 ± 0.242 logMAR
Sorenson et al. [10] 10 1–7 Bacterial biofilm contamination of autoclave reservoir Anterior chamber reaction (10),
Hypopyon (3),
Corneal edema (1),
Anterior vitreous reaction (4)
Medical treatment only (3),
Vitreous tap and intravitreal injection (7)
No light perception (1),
BCVA≥20/30 (9)
Ohika et al. [8] 147 13.1 ± 16.4 Range: 1–88 IOL (Acrysof, Alcon) Anterior chamber reaction (97.2%),
Conjunctival injection (39.8%), Fibrinous inflammation (43.1%)
Hypopyon (22.7%)
Corneal edema (15.6%)
Keratic precipitates (21.6%),
Ocular pain (9.5%)
Medical treatment only (104),
Surgical intervention:
vitrectomy (21), IOL removal (10), chamber irrigation (33)
BCVA> 20/40 (143),
BCVA≤20/40 (4)
Moyle et al. [9] 11 1 unknown Corneal edema (11), anterior chamber reaction (10),
Inflammatory plaque on IOL (5), hypopyon (3), fibrin reaction (6), mild pain (2)
Medical treatment only (11) BCVA = 20/20 (11)
Sengupta et al. [7] 60 1 Balanced salt solution with a low pH of 6.0 (12), OVD (17), unknown (31) Severe iridocyclitis with varying degree of corneal edema (60) Medical treatment only (56),
Vitreous tap (4)
BCVA: 0.11 ± 0.1 logMAR, range: 0–0.3 logMAR
Matsou et al. [36] 5 1 Generic trypan blue Painless blurry vision, corneal edema, anterior chamber reaction, hypopyon and fibrin reaction Medical treatment only (5) BCVA: 0.82 ± 0.18 (Snellen acuity)
Bielory et al. [14] 2 1 intracameral lidocaine HCl 1% and phenylephrine 2.5% inadvertently preserved with 10% benzalkonium chloride. Acute corneal decompensation (3) Medical treatment only (1),
Corneal transplantation for decompensated cornea (2)
BCVA = 20/20 (1),
NA (1)
Althomali [38] 15 1–2 OVD Corneal edema (15),
hypopyon (8)
Medical treatment only BCVA: count finger (2) (other retina pathology),
BCVA: 20/70 (2),
BCVA≥20/50 (11)
Koban et al. [16] 1 1 Inadvertent overdose of intracameral gentamicin Hyphema, corneal edema, chemosis, hemorrhagic fibrinous reaction,
Corneal decompensation
Penetrating keratoplasty after medical treatment BCVA: 20/60
Cetinkaya et al. [54] 5 1 unknown corneal edema (5), anterior chamber reaction (5), fibrin (3), hypopyon (3), increased intraocular pressure (3) Penetrating keratoplasty (2) BCVA: 20/100 (1),
BCVA: 20/40 (1),
BCVA≥20/30 (3)
Ari et al. [27] 19 (pediatric patients) 1–2 Ethylene oxide gas sterilization Corneal edema, anterior chamber reaction, Medical treatment only (18),
Penetrating keratoplasty (1)
Buzard et al. [15] 2 1 Generic trypan blue Cornea edema, anterior chamber reaction, hypopyon Penetrating keratoplasty (2) NA
Maier et al. [5] 24 1–2 Contamination of corneal trephine Graft infiltration, corneal stromal edema Medical treatment only (24) NA
Choi et al. [28] 15 NA Ethylene oxide gas sterilization Corneal edema, anterior chamber reaction, conjunctival injection, pupil irregularity, fibrin reaction Penetrating keratoplasty (5) BCVA≥20/200 (14),
Light perception (1),

IOL intraocular lens, BCVA best corrected visual acuity, NA not available, n case number