RSV specific IgG, isotype IgG1 and Ig2a serum antibodies were determined at 2 weeks after prime immunization (n = 5) by ELISA using FI-RSV as a coating antigen. (A) IgG, (B) IgG1 and (C) IgG2a levels. IM: intramuscular (IM) immunization with FI-RSV (2.2 μg), IM+MPL: IM immunization with FI-RSV (2.2 μg) + MPL (1 μg), MN: MN (microneedle) patch immunization in skin with FI-RSV (2.2 μg), MN+MPL: MN patch immunization with FI-RSV (2.2 μg) + MPL (1 μg) injected intradermally. RSV specific IgG concentrations (μg/ml) are presented as mean ± SEM (n = 5). The experiments were performed in duplicates. PBS: Unimmunized (no vaccine in PBS) control. Statistical significances were performed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s multiple-comparison tests in GraphPad Prism; *** p<0.001, **p<0.01, *p<0.05.