Figure 5. Predicted versus optimal reward per trial (RTrial).
(A) Scatterplots of RTrialpredict:RTrialmax ratio as a function of session index. Each session was represented by two ratios, one for each reward context. (B) 97% RTrialmax contours for all sessions, computed using the best-fitting HDDM parameters and experienced coherences and reward ratios from each session. Light grey: LR-Left blocks; Dark grey: LR-Right blocks. (C) The monkeys’ adjustments (blue: LR-Left blocks, red: LR-Right blocks) were largely within the 97% RTrialmax contours for all sessions and tended to cluster in the me over-biased, z under-biased quadrants (except Monkey F in the LR-Right blocks). The contours and monkeys’ adjustments are centered at the optimal adjustments for each session.