Figure 5.
SsRNA display similar ability as ssDNA to inhibit endocytic uptake in human moDC. Human moDC were treated for 45 min at +37 °C or +4 °C with TF (Alexa 647) or LPS (Alexa 488) with or without addition of ssON 2′OMe RNA PS (Table S1). (A) Structures of repeating units of oligonucleotides and oligonucleotide analogues used in this study. (B,C) 0.5 µM ssON 2′OMe RNA PS inhibited uptake of fluorescently labelled TF and LPS. (D) SsON 2′OMe RNA with a native PO backbone is able to block TF uptake in moDC. (E) SsON 2′OMe RNA PS displayed the same efficacy as ssON 35 DNA PS in blocking pI:C-induced secretion of IL-6 from moDC. (F) Total RNA inhibited pI:C-induced IL-6 secretion from moDC in a concentration dependent manner. All data are from at least three donors in duplicate. Error bars are given in SEM. Non-parametric Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the data. P-value: not significant (n.s) P > 0.05; *P ≤ 0.05; **P ≤ 0.01; ***P ≤ 0.001.