Fig. 4.
Modulation in ITI-FR increases during acquisition of emotional memory. a Shown are four examples of single cells with ITI-FR modulated more strongly during the acquisition (yellow-red shades) than during habituation. b The mean difference in spikes during the ITI increased in the acquisition compared to habituation (with slight decrease as acquisition progressed), and diminished partially during extinction. Shown is the average excess in spikes over shuffled data (quantified as RMS) across all cells with significant modulation. c ITI-FR modulations in un-reinforced trials (no US) was similar to the ITI-FR modulation in reinforced trials. Shown are four single-cell examples. d Cells with ITI-FR modulation in un-reinforced trials had similar modulation for the reinforced trials, and reduced ITI modulation in extinction (average over all cells with significant modulation during un-reinforced trials). Data presented as mean ± S.E.M. Single units: amygdala: n = 291; dACC: n = 263