Functional activation of frontal eye fields in monkeys with HA-PEEK implants but not Acrylic-PEEK implants.
A. Brain surface reconstruction of monkey DP showing the overall visually evoked response during movie viewing. The activation pattern includes regions in the frontal eye fields (FEF) and the middle temporal area (MT). B. (Top) Coronal slices taken at the level corresponding to the anterior dashed line in A, in each individual monkey. Each animal was presented with periods of natural movies interleaved with periods of black screen and was allowed to freely look around and watch the movie. (Bottom) Example time courses for each monkey show the overall % BOLD modulation to 30-s movie segments (white background) and 30 s off-period (grey background). Notice the lack of activation and BOLD modulation in the FEF region for monkeys DL and BR with acrylic based headposts. C. Similar to B, except coronal slices are centered on area MT (posterior dashed line in A) and show % BOLD modulation plots. All data were obtained from a single run session (5 min of scanning) and illustrated using the same threshold level (q FDR = 0.05, p < 0.01, significance t-values > 1.9 and clipped at 10 for comparisons across animals). DP (T-value range 1.74–17.7; VL (T-value range 2.14–13.3; DL. (T-value range 2.52–13.5); BR (T-value range 2.50–10.8).