Figure 1.
Culture conditions on CPP-PEDOT substrate with soluble fibronectin factor for hADSC sheet formation. Photothermal images of PP-PEDOT (a) and SP-PEDOT (b) in the same conditions (Ipw = 2.7 W/cm2, tnir = 3 min, RD = 41.4J). (c) UV/Vis/NIR spectrum of PP-PEDOT (red) and SP-PEDOT (black) substrate (red arrow means 808 nm). After the cells were cultured for 1 day (cell seeding number = 100,000 cells/dish), optical images of the adherent hADSCs on the CPP-PEDOT substrate (d) without soluble fibronectin and (e) with soluble fibronectin (red arrows mean areas of concentrated cells). (f) Effect of harvesting efficiency (εd) and sheet area (Ahcs) at different fibronectin concentrations (1 μg/ml to 1 pg/ml, Psf means the point of sheet formation). (g) Schematic image of the function of soluble fibronectin in hADSC culture conditions. (h–j) Culture conditions on CSP-PEDOT substrate for hADSC sheet formation. (h) Optical image of the adherent hADSCs on the CPP-PEDOT substrate at 1 day. (i) Optical image of the detached sheet fragments from the CPP-PEDOT substrate at 1 day. (j) Effect of the cell adhesion rate and the thickness of collagen layer.