Table 2.
Frequency of smoking cessation intervention options considered acceptable and ranked first amongst respondent choices
Smoking cessation intervention | Would consider using intervention n (%) | Ranked as first choice n (%) |
NRT, free | 137(91) | 53 (36) |
Talking with a doctor or nurse | 124(83) | 25(17) |
Support group for smoking cessation | 127(85) | 14(10) |
Prescription drug, free | 136(91) | 13(9) |
Support group for smoking cessation restricted to HIV-infected participants | 131 (87) | 11 (7) |
NRT, pay | 40 (28) | 7(5) |
Talking with a counselor | 112(75) | 6(4) |
Text message-based support | 97 (65) | 3(2) |
Telephone quit line | 92(61) | 2(1) |
Prescription drug, pay | 38 (26) | 1 (1) |
NRT = nicotine replacement therapy; free = would be provided free of charge; HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; pay = requires purchase by respondent. All options were explained to respondents.