Fig. 5. Loss of SMN reactivates the cell cycle.
a Ki67 and ISL1 immunostaining analysis of wild-type (BJ iPS and 18a), SMA Type I (1-38 G), and SMA Type II (1-51 N) motor neuron cultures at day 28. The percentages of ISL1+Ki67+ cells amongst all ISL1+ motor neurons are shown. b Knockdown of SMN in wild-type cell line (BJ-iPS) increased the percentage of ISL1+ motor neurons co-expressing Ki67. c Co-staining of ISL1 (red) and Ki67 (green) showing increased Ki67+ cells upon SMN knockdown in BJ-iPS motor neuron cultures. Cellular nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. Scale bars, 100 μm. d Ki67 and cCASP3 immunostaining analysis of wild-type motor neurons demonstrated higher cCASP3 expression in Ki67+ motor neurons than Ki67− motor neurons. ***p < 0.001