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. 2018 Oct 14;2018:2320640. doi: 10.1155/2018/2320640

Table 1.

Clinical features of healthy volunteers and patients.

Volunteer or patient Age Gender Fever durationa (days) Laboratory characteristicsb Radiologye
WBC (×109/L) (5–12) HsCRP (mg/L)(<5) Specific IgMc (IU/mL) HAdV DNAd (throat swabs/BALF) LDH (U/L) (159–322) Consolidation
V1 1y9m male 8.6
V2 2y8m female 9.0
V3 2y3m male 5.7
A1 2y1m male 13 10.2 26.5 + +/+ 919 +
A2 1y9m female 16 8.3 51.14 + +/+ 812 +
A3 2y8m female 22 2.8 10.98 + +/+ 948 +

aFever duration from onset to normothermia. bData extracted from the first test for the children on admission. cSpecific IgM antibodies against HAdV pneumoniae were detected in 2 mL of acute phase (on admission) patient serum using a commercial ELISA kit. dHAdV pneumonia DNA was detected by real-time PCR in throat swabs or bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). eJudged by chest radiograph or CT scan in whole course of the patients.