Figure 7.
Some signs of pathology improvement 3 months after the start of CY (cyclosporine) therapy, such as TFT (tear ferning test), baseline 2.43 (±0.80 SD) score, and posttherapy 1.93 (±0.67) score (p=0.044) (a); density of conjunctival goblet cells, baseline 30 (±20 SD) cells/field, and posttherapy 23 (±8 SD) cells/field (p=0.044) (b). There are no changes in the MUC5AC levels before (4,103.33 ± 286.35 SD pg/ml) and after therapy (3,909.18 ± 606.01 SD pg/ml) (c), even because a 3-month treatment period is too short to evaluate the possible functional improvement of the conjunctiva in patients with chronic VKC (vernal keratoconjunctivitis).