Figure 1.
Temporal (A,B) and spatial (C,D) aspects of the behavioral tasks. (A) Vertical gaze position toward an upward target (dashed red horizontal line) plotted as a function of time for example trials in the reactive task. Results from this task are reported in Sadeh et al. (2018). (B) Similar gaze traces for the same target, but obtained from the memory delay task. Note that the memory delay is variable, so the “go” signal (extinction of the fixation point) occurred at different time points (green arrow heads). Results from this task were reported in detail previously (Sadeh et al., 2015). (C) Two-dimensional gaze trajectories (gray lines) from the reactive task for an example target in monkey M2. Also shown are the range of initial fixation positions (green square), the tolerance window (red circle) and the other possible targets used in this experimental session (gray circles) to map a neuron’s receptive field. The identical spatial layouts were used for both tasks to test each neuron. (D) Target-Gaze (TG) continuum constructed between and beyond target position (red dot) and gaze end point (blue dot) for each trial, and used to determine best fits for neural receptive fields.