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. 2018 Oct 17;100(8):618–631. doi: 10.1308/rcsann.2018.0150

Table 2.

Percutaneous cholecystostomy data.

Study Indication Timing of placement Duration of drainage Protocol for removal Morbidity (%) Mortality (%)
Abi-Haidar (2012)1 PCT 20.6 (iatrogenic injury 15.7, other PCT related 5.9) 15.7 (FU)
Al-jundi (2012)2 FRMT at 36–48 h 16.7 (30-day)
Anderson 2013)3 CC Gr: 5.8 1.1
ACC Gr: 10.4 2.6
Atar (2014)4 mean 2 d (6 h–4 d) CDC PCT 30-day 7.4 (bleeding 1.2, dislodgment 6.2) 18.5 (24.7 FU)
Bakkaloglu (2006)5 mean 23 d (R 14–32 ) CDC PCT 14.8 (dislodgment 11.1 bleeding 3.7)
Bickel (2016)6 FRMT Gr1 OTD 1–2 d (n = 12)
Gr2 OTD 3–6 d (n = 30)
Gr3 OTD 7–10 d (n = 17)
Boules (2016)7 FRMT 48–72 h in patients not fit for surgery due to comorbidity CDC 38.5 (30-day); 0 (PCT)
Carrafiello (2012)8 median 23 d (R 14–34 d) PCT 10 (dislodgement 6.7, haematoma 3.3) 0
Cha (2014)9 CDC then no recurrence on 3-d clamp Failure to remove PCT 34.0 (according to described protocol) 2.12
Chang (2014)10 High operative risk + FRMT treatment, impending rupture of distended gallbladder, suspected gallbladder necrosis/perforation 22.9 ± 15.8 CDC PCT 3.3 (minor bile leak 1.6, retained T-fastener 1.6) 0 (FU)
Chok (2010)11 FRMT 2–3 doses of IV antibiotics ATD All < 30 h CDC PCT 4.3 (bleeding) 8.7 (30-day)
Chou (2015)12 Sepsis, localised perforation, progressive intolerance to pain, persistent fever after 48 h medical treatment Gr1: mean 10.3 ± 6.4 H Gr2: mean 77.9 ± 52.7 H Dislodgment 7.7; bleeding 2.4; bile leak 1.4 Gr1: 7.3; Gr2: 5 (P = 0.572)
De Mestral (2013)13 median ATD 2 d (IQR 1–3 d) 5 (index admission); 18 (1-year); 45 (end of study FU)
El-Gendi (2016)14 Gr1: Postoperative 2.7 (bile leak 0; bowel injury 0) 0 (30-day)
Gr2: Postoperative complication 26.7 (P < 0.001); bile leak 10.7 (P = 0.006); bowel injury 2.7 0 (30-day)
Flexer (2014)15 mean 5.5 d mean 25.24 d Readmission 50 8.3
Griniatsos (2008)16 FRMT at 36–48 h; deterioration after initial clinical improvement median 19 (IR 17–22) 12.5 (PCT 0)
Horn (2015)17 median 12 (R 0–193) CDC + satisfactory clinical response Bile leak 3.9; bleeding 7.2; dislodged catheter 28.1; abscess 3.2 4.7 (30-day)
Hsieh (2012)18 Septic shock/severe sepsis; gallbladder perforation; FRMT 48 h mean 16.6 ± 14 PCT 16.6 (dislodgement 10.6, bleeding 3.6, bile leak 1.8, blockage 0.6) 1.2 (PCT bleeding: refused intervention) 15 (30-day)
Jang (2015)19 SIRS; CVA; CKD; inadequate ASA score; immediate ICU needed no recurrence of symptoms on clamping PCT PCT 2.1
Jung (2015)20 Complications 10.8 (dislodgment 6.8; bleeding 1.4; bile leak 1.4; obstruction 1.4)
Karakayali (2014)21 Consecutively allocated to both groups CDC Gr1: complications 9 (bile leak 10.4; collection 8.3; wound infection 6.3)
Gr2: bile leak 2.3; collection 4.6; wound infection 2.3 35 (P = 0.003)
Khasawneh (2015)22 Surgeon discretion CDC 17.5 ( during index admission)
Kinkegard (2015)23 6 (10.7)
Li (2013)24 FRMT 24 h median 26 d Absence of AC symptoms for 1 week PCT 4.2 (bleeding) 1.4 (30-day)
Lin (2016)25 High risk for surgery due to comorbidity Severe cholecystitis; FRMT; patient refusal; suspected empyema mean 16.74 d (R 3–49 d) symptom relief; or at surgery 22.6 (dislodgement 16.1; bleeding 4.3; wound infection 1.1; bile leak 1.1) 10.75
Marci (2006)26 OTD < 12 h
McKay (2012)27 PCT 16.2 (tube dislodgment 13.2; tube blockage 1.5; bleeding 1.5) 15 30-day); 32.8 (FU)
Melloul (2011)28 median 7 d (R 3–21 d) CDC PCT 8.7 (dislodgment 4.3, haematoma 4.3) 13 (90-day)
Mizrahi (2015)29 3.4+/– 03 D PCT Gr: dislodgment 12; leakage 4; further emergency admissions 20 1
Non-PCT Gr: further emergency admissions 3 (P < 0.001) 0.4 (P = 0.27)
Morse (2010)30 In hospital 62; PCT 0 50 (in hospital); 56 (FU); 0 (PCT)
Nasim (2011)31 CDC Bleeding 1.6; bile leak 0; non-PCT-related 25.8 (pneumonia, hypotension) 15 (30-day)
Ni (2015)32 Dislodgment 1.6; blockage 1.6 0
Nikfarjam (2013)33 ATD md 3 D (R 0–41) median 49 D (R 2–169) 53 (dislodgment 13; infective collection at PCT site 6; non-PCT-related 34) 9 (30-day); 0 (PCT)
Pang (2016)34 Declined surgery; multiple comorbidities; severe sepsis/shock; gallbladder perforation CDC Dislodgement 14; drain obstruction 7; bile leak 2.8; bowel perforation 1.4; major haemorrhage requiring embolisation of cystic artery 1.4 8.5 ( during index admission); 32.4 (end of follow-up); 0 (PCT)
Paran (2006)35 FRMT 48 h mean 7.4 d (R 3–28 d) PCT 31.5 (dislodged 29.6; 1.8 bile leak and peritonitis requiring emergency surgery)
Peters (2014)36 Abscess 3.6; fistula 1.8 dislodgment 7.2 0 (PCT)
Rodriguez-Sanjuan (2012)37 Sever comorbidity/ASA3–4; advanced age (single patient aged 93 with ASA2) Gr1: mean 12.4 d (R 8–14 d) Gr2: mean 12.7 (R 6–30 d) Gr1: 31 Gr2: 28.1 17.2 (MI during tube placement) 0
Sanjay (2013)38 median 3 (R 1–15) median 43 (R 28–114) 13 (bile leak 9.4; bleeding 1.9; duodenal fistula 1.9) 22.6 (index admission)
Simorov (2013)39 5 (ICU admission 28.1; 30 d readmission 29) 2.6
Smith (2013)40 median 48.5 d PCT 14.7 (dislodgement 7; bile leak 5; pain 3; occlusion 3; infection 1) 12 (30-day)
Suzuki (2015)41 Drain reinsertion required 34 5 (30-day)
Viste (2015)42 6.5 d (R 1–75 d) CDC Tube related 11.5 (leak, obstruction, dislodgment); serious 0 3.8 (30-day) 24.03 (end of FU)
Wang (2016)43 FRMT; impending rupture; severe sepsis/shock mean 20 d (SD 25.7) CDC or no recurrence of symptoms on clamping PCT 2.7 (1-year)
Yeo (2016)44 median 2 d (R 0–15 d) Dislodgment 7.8% 12.6 (in-hospital)
Zehetner (2014)45 FRMT 72 h Gr1: 17 13 (P = 0.665)
Gr2: 9 0 (P = 0.233)
Zerem (2014)46 Age; comorbidities; acute systemic complications OTD median 4 d (R 2–6 d) median 15 d (R 12–20 d) CDC PCT 41.7 (dislodgment, leaking, blockage) 19.4 (30-day)

ACC, acalculous cholecystitis; ASA, American Society of Anaesthesiologists physical status classification; ATD, admission to drain; CC, Calculous cholecystitis; CDC, cholangiogram duct clearance; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CVA, cerebrovascular accident; d, days; FRMT, failure to respond to medical treatment; FU, follow-up; Gr, group; h, hours; ICU, intensive care unit; OTD, onset of symptoms to drain; PCT, percutaneous cholecystostomy tube; SIRS, systemic inflammatory response syndrome;