(A) A simplified working model of the ABA signaling pathway controlling the germination process indicating the participation of the Skp1, Sdir1, and Ocp3 gene products. (B) Absolute quantitation of Skp1, Sdir1, and Ocp3 transcript molecules in embryo axis tissue isolated from non-imbibed seed (S0) or after 10 h (S2), 24 h (S3), and 216 h (S7) of germination. Transcript data are the means ± SD of transcript molecules/pg of total RNA from three biological replicates made in quadruplicate. Each biological replicate was a pool generated by mixing equal amounts of homogenized tissue from 10 to 30 embryo axis of the same sampling time. Statistical significances were determined by a one-way ANOVA. Differences between S0 samples and between each other were statistically significant at the level ∗∗P < 0.01 and ∗∗∗P < 0.001. Dashed lines indicate that multiple stages are included.