(A) Absolute quantitation of Dhn3 transcript molecules in embryo axis tissue isolated from non-imbibed seed (S0) or after 10 h (S2), 24 h (S3), and 216 h (S7) of germination, compared with the relative water content (RWC) in germinating seeds. Transcript data are the means ± SD of transcript molecules/pg of total RNA from three biological replicates made in quadruplicate. Each biological replicate was a pool generated by mixing equal amounts of homogenized tissue from 10 to 30 embryo axis of the same sampling time. Statistical significances were determined by a one-way ANOVA. Differences between S0 samples and each other were all statistically significant (∗∗∗P < 0.001). RWC data, expressed as percentage of lost weight relative to fresh weight, correspond to those in Figure 1E and are included for correlation with Dhn3 transcript amount. (B) Western blotting of DHN3 protein in Q. ilex seeds samples. Proteins were extracted from the same pools used in the transcriptional analysis. Numbers indicate the arbitrary Western blotting signal intensities normalized to the total protein contents, using Stain-Free Technology for total protein quantification. (C) Absolute quantitation of GolS transcript amounts in the same samples S0, S2, S3, and S7 and conditions described in panel (A), compared with the sucrose content in germinating seeds. Sucrose data correspond to those in Figure 2 and included for correlation with GolS transcript levels.