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. 2018 May 16;75(8):593–603. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2017-104944

Table 2.

Occupational carcinogens evaluated in the IARC Monographs volumes 1–120 and comparison with two previous published listings

Agent Volume† Year† Primary exposure routes‡ Human cancers with sufficient evidence§ Quantitative exposure- response data available Included in Siemiatycki et al 9 Included in Doll and Peto3 Occupational exposure settings¶ Class
Ingestion Inhalation Dermal contact
1,2-Dichloropropane 110 2017 x Biliary tract Manufacture of plastic products, paints and other chemicals; printing; car painting Chemicals
1,3-Butadiene 97 2008 x Haematolymphatic organs x Manufacture of industrial chemicals, rubber products and plastic products; petroleum refining and petrochemical industries; building construction Chemicals
2-Naphthylamine 4 1973 x x Urinary bladder x x Manufacture of industrial chemicals and dyes Chemicals
2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin 69 1997 x x x All cancers combined x x Manufacture of chemicals;
herbicide handling and spraying; waste incineration
4-Aminobiphenyl 1 1972 x x Urinary bladder x x Manufacture of chemicals and rubber Chemicals
Acid mists, strong inorganic 54 1992 x x x Larynx x Manufacture of soaps and detergents, phosphate fertilisers, lead batteries and other chemicals;
electroplating and pickling
Airborne particles
Arsenic and inorganic arsenic compounds† 2 1973 x x Lung, skin, bladder x x x Manufacture of glass, pesticides and other chemicals; agricultural settings; mining, smelting and refining of metals; medical and veterinary procedures Metals and metal compounds
Asbestos (all forms, including actinolite, amosite, anthophyllite, chrysotile, crocidolite, tremolite) 2 1973 x Lung, mesothelioma, larynx, ovary x x x Mining, processing, transportation and handling of asbestos; work in shipyards; manufacture and use of asbestos-containing products Airborne particles
Benzene 7 1974 x x Leukaemia (acute myeloid) x x x Manufacture and use of paints, rubber products, glues and other chemicals;
distribution and handling of petrol; shoe manufacturing and repair
Benzidine 1 1972 x x Bladder x x Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, rubbers and plastics Chemicals
Beryllium and beryllium compounds 58 1993 x x Lung x x Beryllium extraction, processing and fabrication;
manufacture of electrical equipment, electronic components, aerospace materials; dental laboratory procedures
Metals and metal compounds
Bis(chloromethyl)ether; chloromethyl methyl ether (technical grade) 4 1974 x Lung x Yes Manufacture of chemicals;
laboratory procedures
Cadmium and cadmium compounds 58 1993 x Lung x x Production, refining, and processing of cadmium and its alloys; manufacture of batteries and pigments Metals and metal compounds
Chromium (VI) compounds Sup 7 1987 x Lung x x Yes Production and use of chromate pigments and paints; chrome plating;
work in chrome-alloy foundries
Metals and metal compounds
Coal-tar pitch 35 1985 x x Lung, skin x Production of coal-tar products; roofing and surface coating activities Chemical mixtures
Engine exhaust, diesel 105 2013 x Lung x Rail, truck, and bus operation and mechanical maintenance; mining; firefighting Airborne complex mixtures
Formaldehyde 88 2006 x x Nasopharynx, leukaemia x Manufacture of formaldehyde and other chemicals; histopathology and anatomy dissections; hospital disinfection; embalming Chemicals
Ionising radiation (all types)** 100D 2012 None specified x x x Outdoor work involving sun exposure; nuclear fuel production and use; air travel; mining; human and veterinary medicine Radiation and radionuclides
Leather dust 25 1981 x Nasal cavity and paranasal sinus Manufacture, processing and repair of leather, boots and shoes Airborne particles
Lindane (see also hexachlorocyclohexanes) 113 2015* x x Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma x Manufacture of lindane; treatment of wood and wooden structures; agricultural application on livestock and crops Chemicals
Mineral oils, untreated or mildly treated 3 1973 x x Skin x Paraffin processing; manufacture of metal products; metal working Chemical mixtures
Nickel compounds 49 1990 x x x Lung, nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses x x x Mining, smelting and refining of nickel; production of nickel alloys, stainless steel and batteries; electroplating; paint production and use Metals and metal compounds
ortho-Toluidine 99 2010 x x Urinary bladder Manufacture of ortho-toluidine and dyes, pigments, and some rubber chemicals; clinical and pathological laboratories Chemicals
Outdoor air pollution** 109 2016 x Lung x Where majority of working time is spent in polluted outdoor environments (eg, urban traffic police, professional drivers, street vendors) Airborne particles
Particulate matter in outdoor air pollution 109 2016 x Lung x Airborne particles
Pentachlorophenol 117 2016* x x Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma x Manufacture of PCP and other chemicals; agricultural settings; treatment of wood products; waste incineration Chemicals
Plutonium 78 2001 Bone, liver, lung x Nuclear industry workers Radiation and radionuclides
Polychlorinated biphenyls 107 2016 x x Malignant melanoma x Manufacture of PCB capacitors; manufacture and repair of transformers; waste incineration and recycling; firefighting Chemical mixtures
Radioiodines, including iodine-131†† 78 2001 Thyroid x Workers involved in nuclear accident clean-up Radiation and radionuclides
Radionuclides, alpha-particle emitting, internally deposited** 78 2001 None specified x Mining and processing of uranium and other minerals; nuclear industry workers; human and veterinary medicine Radiation and radionuclides
Radionuclides, beta-particle emitting, internally deposited** 78 2001 None specified x Radiation and radionuclides
Radium-224 and its decay products§ 78 2001 Bone Luminising industries Radiation and radionuclides
Radium-226 and its decay products 78 2001 Bone, mastoid process, paranasal sinus Radiation and radionuclides
Radium-228 and its decay products 78 2001 Bone, mastoid process, paranasal sinus Radiation and radionuclides
Radon-222 and its decay products 43 1988 Lung x Mining and other underground work; mineral processing Radiation and radionuclides
Shale oils 35 1985 x Skin x Mining and production of shale oils and products; manufacturing of cotton textiles Chemical mixtures
Silica dust, crystalline, in the form of quartz or cristobalite 68 1997 x Lung x x Mining and quarrying operations; foundries; ceramics, cement and glass industries; construction activities Airborne particles
Solar radiation** 55 1992 Skin (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma) x Outdoor work with sun exposure Radiation and radionuclides
Soot 3 1973 x x Lung, skin x x Industries and tasks with exposure to combustion products (eg, coke-making, chimney cleaning, incineration) Airborne particles
Sulfur mustard (see also mustard gas) 9 1975 x Lung x x Manufacture of mustard gas; military service in WWI Chemicals
Tobacco smoke, secondhand** 83 2004 x Lung Work in public settings where smoking occurs (eg, restaurants, bars, casinos, planes) Airborne complex mixtures
Trichloroethylene 106 2014 x x Kidney Manufacture of metals and plastic products; printing; textile furnishing; dry cleaning; construction Chemicals
Ultraviolet radiation** 118 2017* Eye, skin x x Various work environments where welding is performed Radiation and radionuclides
Vinyl chloride 7 1974 x Liver (angiosarcoma, hepatocellular carcinoma) x x x Manufacture of polyvinyl chloride Chemicals
Welding fumes 118 2017* x Lung x Various work environments where welding is performed Airborne particles
Wood dust 62 1995 x Nasal cavity and paranasal sinus, nasopharynx x x Forestry and logging; sawmilling; manufacture of wood products; carpentry; construction Airborne particles
X-radiation and gamma-radiation** 75 2000 Multiple, including: breast; leukaemia; thyroid; bone; brain and central nervous system; colon; kidney; lung; oesophagus; salivary gland; skin; stomach; bladder x Nuclear industry workers; human and veterinary medicine; workers involved in nuclear accident clean-up Radiation and radionuclides

*Monographs still in press.

†Volume and year of publication correspond to the first instance of a Group 1 classification for the agent.

‡Routes not listed for radiations and radionuclides

§The cancer sites listed reflect the most recent IARC evaluation of the agent.

¶Examples of potentially exposed industries, work locations and/or occupations described in the relevant monograph; do not represent exhaustive summaries of past and present exposure scenarios.

**Occupational and non-occupational data contributed to first Group 1 evaluation.

††Occupational data contributed to subsequent Group 1 evaluation.

IARC, International Agency for Research on Cancer; PCB, polychlorinated biphenyl; PCP, pentachlorophenol; WWI, First World War.