Figure 3.
Oral bacterial networks are detected in colonic mucosa and are enriched in CRC. (A) Clustering of the 17 oral bacterial OTUs associated with tumour tissue into two coabundance groups (CAGs). CAGs were defined on the basis of the clusters in the vertical or horizontal trees and named after their most notable characteristic. Column and row bars indicate bacterial CAGs (as per legend to the bottom right) and fold change between individuals with CRC and healthy controls (as per legend to the bottom left). Legend top left: colour-scale correlation coefficient. (B) The two CAGs comprising typically oral bacteria (oral pathogen CAG and biofilm CAG) were more abundant in colonic microbiota of CRC. Shown are boxplots of relative abundances of the two CAGs in colon tissue. n (controls)=59, n (off)=105, n (tumours)=67. CRC, colorectal cancer; FDR, false discovery rate; HC, healthy controls; OTUs, operational taxonomic units.