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. 2018 Oct 14;4:535–541. doi: 10.1016/j.trci.2018.09.007

Table 1.

Food groupings from Dietary Questionnaire for Epidemiological Studies Version 2 (DQES v2)

Food group Items in the DQES v2
Whole grains All bran, bran flakes, high fiber white bread, muesli, multigrain bread, porridge, rye bread, Weet-Bix, wholemeal bread
Refined grains Corn flakes, crackers, pasta, rice, white bread
Red meats Beef, lamb, pork, veal
Processed meats Bacon, salami, sausages
Poultry Chicken
Takeaway foods Hamburger, meat pies, pizza
Fried fish Fried fish
Other fish Fish (nonfried), tinned fish
Fried potatoes Chips (French fries)
Other potato Potatoes
Yellow or red vegetables Capsicum, carrots, pumpkin
Legumes Baked beans, green beans, other beans, peas, tofu
Cruciferous vegetables Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower
Leafy green vegetables Lettuce, spinach
Other vegetables Bean sprouts, beetroot, celery, cucumber, garlic, mushrooms, onion, zucchini
Tomato Tomatoes
Fresh fruit Apples, apricots, avocado, bananas, mango, melon, oranges, peaches, pears, pineapple, strawberries
Canned fruit Tinned fruit
Cakes, biscuits, sweet pastries Cakes, sweet biscuits
Low-fat dairy products Flavored milk drink, low-fat cheese, reduced fat milk, ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, skim milk
Full-fat dairy products Cream cheese, firm cheese, full-cream milk, hard cheese, ice cream, soft cheese, yoghurt
Soya milk Soya milk
Confectionery Chocolate
Added sugar Jam, sugar
Crisps Crisps
Nuts Nuts, peanut butter
Eggs Eggs
Fruit juice Fruit juice
Saturated spreads Butter, butter-margarine blends, margarine
Unsaturated spreads Monounsaturated margarine, polyunsaturated margarine
Alcohol–beer Heavy beer, light beer
Alcohol–wine Red wine, white wine
Alcohol–spirits Fortified wines, spirits