Figure 3. Divergence of the nearest neighbor (NN) distances of CCMs and non-lesion controls as NN number increases.
Given the difference in recombination frequency among the four confetti colors, the NN comparison is only made between the ECs in CCMs and control brain slices labeled with the same confetti color. (A) NN distances for all CCMs containing clonally dominant ECs labeled with RFP (red) and the NN distances of ECs labeled with RFP in the control brain slices (black) (CCM n=13). (B) NN distances for YFP ECs within CCMs (yellow) and control brain slices (black) (CCM, n=18). (C) NN distances for nGFP ECs within CCMs (green) and control brain slices (black) (CCM, n=8). (D) NN distances for mCFP ECs within CCMs (blue) and control brain slices (black) (CCM, n=3). For each of the four confetti colors, the NN distance was greater for the non-lesion controls than for the CCMs for every NN number pair, beginning with the 1st NN (Mann-Whitney test, p<0.001). Error bars represent mean + SD.