Fig 3. Example traces of HPLC-ECD output.
Traces show peaks for standards and samples for amino acid (top), GABA (middle), and monoamine (bottom) analysis. Retention times for peaks were consistent between samples and experiments. Insets show analysable peaks of low concentration neurochemicals. Glu–glutamate; Ser–serine; Gln–glutamine; HS–homoserine; Gly–glycine; Thr–threonine; Tau–taurine; Ala–alanine; NA–noradrenaline; DA–dopamine; DOPAC– 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid; 5-HT–serotonin, 5-HIAA– 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid; Nω-5HT–Nω-methylserotonin; HVA–homovanillic acid.