Figure 2. ATP release following mechanical stimulation of a single osteoblast.
(A) Fura2-loaded C2-OB bathed in luciferin/luciferase containing PS was micropipette-stimulated. Top: 380 ex/510 em images before (a) and after (b) stimulation of the cell (red outline). Bottom: intracellular (IC) Fura2 fluorescence [Ifura2] of primary (red) and secondary (orange) responders and extracellular (EC) luciferin fluorescence [Iluciferin] (green). (B) Box plot of [ATP]e in pericellular region of stimulated C2-OB, black markers: independent observations, n = 13 stimulated cells. (C) Correlation between [ATP]e and percentage of secondary responders observed in C2-OB (n = 20 stimulated primary responses), dashed line: linear regression. Source data for Figure 2 is provided in Figure 2—source data 1.