Detection of polymers on FFPE tissue |
Wax remaining on tissue |
Poor detection of peptides from fresh frozen tissue vs FFPE tissue |
Salts, lipids and metabolites remain on the tissue |
Tissue loss during sample preparation |
Antigen retrieval conditions too harsh for tissue type |
Slide not adhesive |
Poor detection of peptides (from either FFPE or FF) |
Low humidity during digestion |
Incorrect temperature during digestion |
Instrument dirty |
Laser degradation |
Poor detection of peptides from whole tissue extraction |
Low or small amount of tissue |
Poor detection of peptides from regional locations on tissue |
Low amount of peptide due to small region |
Poor fragmentation of peptides by MALDI – MS/MS |
Poor instrument settings |
Use trypsin autolysis peptides to evaluate fragmentation of a target peptide from tissue.
A solution of BSA peptides or a solution of Glufib may also be useful for method setup
Increase the number of scans averaged
Increase collision energy
Increase the isolation window (increases fragmentation of near isobaric peaks)