Fig. 1. cfDNA (concentration, methylation, fragment length) and cf-mtDNA concentrations before and after psychosocial and physical stress are shown.
a Changes in cfDNA concentrations (copies/ml plasma) before and after psychosocial and physical stress. Immediately after the TSST, doubling of cfDNA concentration was observed, whereas it increased fivefold after physical stress, peaking 15 min after the cessation of exercise. b Changes in the percentage proportion of the 170 bp cfDNA fragments of purified cfDNA. While minimal increases of the 170 bp fragments could be observed after the TSST, a fivefold percentage increase 15 min after physical exercise was observed. c Percentage cfDNA methylation of a HOXA5 fragment is shown as the average of 9 CpG sites. DNA methylation increased by 7.5% after physical stress, while it significantly decreased by 6.5% after the TSST. d An almost twofold increase of cf-mtDNA directly after both stress conditions is shown. Post-hoc test showed significant difference between the stress paradigms at time point +15 min. Values are reported as means ± SEM. The data were analyzed with repeated measures ANOVAs. In case of significant effects, post-hoc test was carried out to check for group differences (*p ≤ 0.05, ***p ≤ 0.001)