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. 2018 Oct 23;9:1443. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.01443

Table 1.

Characteristics of the sample before and after the 16-weeks follow-up.

PreHTN Pre PreHTN Post Δ NTG Pre NTG Post Δ PreHTN vs. NTG Baseline ΔPreHTN vs. ΔNTG Pre-post
n 44 40
Age (y) 35.2 ± 5.1 36.6 ± 5.8 0.572
Height (m) 1.58 ± 5.6 1.59 ± 6.1
Time elapsed from diagnosis (y) 1.5 1.2
Body mass (kg) 79.8 ± 14.8 76.4 ± 14.1∗∗∗ −3.3 ± 2.9& 75.2 ± 12.3 73.2 ± 11.8∗∗∗ −2.0 ± 2.5 P = 0.131 P = 0.091
Body mass index (kg/m2) 31.9 ± 5.8 30.5 ± 5.7∗∗∗ −1.4 ± 1.0 30.0 ± 6.6 29.5 ± 6.4 −0.5 ± 1.9 P = 0.182 P = 0.167
Waist circumference (cm) 101.5 ± 11 98.5 ± 12∗∗∗ −2.9 ± 5.1& 98.0 ± 10.7 93.8 ± 10.3∗∗∗ −4.2 ± 2.9 P = 0.145 P = 0.037
Tricipital skinfold (mm) 26.7 ± 8.2 22.1 ± 6.6 −4.6 ± 5.5 24.9 ± 7.2 20.1 ± 8.5 −4.8 ± 5.1 P = 0.234 P = 0.233
Supra-iliac skinfold (mm) 34.5 ± 9.1 27.2 ± 8.8∗∗ −7.3 ± 5.4 32.5 ± 6.2 26.9 ± 7.3∗∗ −5.6 ± 5.0 P = 0.189 P = 0.246
Abdominal skinfold (mm) 44.9 ± 8.1 33.4 ± 9.8∗∗∗ −11.5 ± 6.3¥ 43.1 ± 7.2 35.5 ± 4.1∗∗∗ −7.6 ± 5.9 P = 0.156 P < 0.001
Fat mass (%) 42.3 ± 6.8 36.5 ± 8.1∗∗∗ −5.8 ± 6.2 40.6 ± 7.1 36.8 ± 8.4∗∗ −3.8 ± 5.5 P = 0.138 P = 0.110
Muscle mass (%) 21.3 ± 7.5 21.5 ± 9.9 +0.2 ± 1.5 22.4 ± 5.9 22.7 ± 9.4 +0.3 ± 1.7 P = 0.119 P = 0.188
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 128.0 ± 6.0 120.0 ± 6.0∗∗∗ −8.0 ± 7.0$ 108.0 ± 5.0 111.0 ± 8.0 +3.0 ± 9.8 P = 0.003 P < 0.0001
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 85.0 ± 8.0 80.0 ± 10.0∗∗∗ −5.8 ± 11.7¥ 75.0 ± 10.0 73.0 ± 10.0 −2.0 ± 4.9 P = 0.007 P < 0.001
Heart rate rest (beats/min) 84.0 ± 6.0 80.0 ± 8.0∗∗∗ −4.0 ± 6.0 82.0 ± 6.0 80.0 ± 8.0 −2.0 ± 5.0 P = 0.078 P = 0.079
Fasting glucose (mg/dL) 98.0 ± 9.0 95.0 ± 8.0 −3.3 ± 9.0¥ 95.0 ± 9.0 90.0 ± 7.0∗∗ −5.0 ± 5.8 P = 0.078 P < 0.01
Total cholesterol (mg/dL) 190.0 ± 43.0 182.0 ± 33.0 −8.0 ± 25.2 194.0 ± 32.0 180.0 ± 20.0∗∗ −14.0 ± 29.6 P = 0.652 P = 0.062
Low-density lipids (mg/dL) 109.0 ± 37.0 106.0 ± 32.0 −2.6 ± 18.7¥ 120.0 ± 27.0 110.0 ± 20.0∗∗ −10.0 ± 21.7 P = 0.114 P < 0.01
High-density lipids (mg/dL) 48.0 ± 11.0 53.0 ± 10.0∗∗ 5.0 ± 6.6 53.0 ± 10.0 54.0 ± 9.0 +1.0 ± 10.1 P = 0.076 P = 0.221
Triglycerides (mg/dL) 130.0 ± 61.0 117.0 ± 45.0 −13.9 ± 30.9& 133.0 ± 50.0 111.0 ± 32.0∗∗∗ −22.0 ± 36.4 P = 0.132 P = 0.045
Strength performance
1RMLE (kg) 36.0 ± 7.0 39.0 ± 9.0 +3.0 ± 4.0 33.0 ± 7.0 35.0 ± 8.0 +2.0 ± 6.0 P = 0.088 P = 0.153
Endurance performance
2KMWT (min.s) 23.47 ± 3.2 19.33 ± 3.3∗∗∗ −3.14 ± 3.44 23.11 ± 4.4 20.18 ± 4.5∗∗∗ −3.34 ± 3.41 P = 0.783 P = 0.328

Results presented as mean ± SD. PreHTN, pre hypertensive group; NTG, normotensive group; Δ, delta pre-post changes according to each biological unit of assessment; 1RMLE, one maximum repetition of leg-extension strength test; 2KMWT, 2 kilometers walking test. P < 0.05, ∗∗P < 0.001, ∗∗∗P < 0.0001 post vs. pre intervention within-group. Compared by the Student t-test. Compared by the Wilcoxon non-parametric test. &P < 0.05, ¥P < 0.001, P < 0.0001 and $compared delta changes by student t-test. Bold values denotes significant differences at baseline or at pre-post changes at each specific value P < 0.05.