Figure 1. Ubiquitin(1–76) and ubiquitin(1–74) antagonize the pro-proliferative effects of the CXCR4-receptor agonist SDF-1α in SHR and WKY cardiac fibroblasts.
Figure illustrates the concentration-dependent effects of ubiquitin(1–76) (panels A and B) and ubiquitin (1–74) (panels C and D) on proliferation of SHR (panels A and C) and WKY (panels B and D) cardiac fibroblasts stimulated with SDF-1α (10 nmol/L). In the absence of ubiquitins, a four-day treatment with SDF-1α significantly increased proliferation (cell number) of both SHR and WKY cardiac fibroblasts. In the absence of SDF-1α, a four-day treatment with either of the two ubiquitins did not affect cardiac fibroblast proliferation in either SHR or WKY cardiac fibroblasts. However, both ubiquitin(1–76) and ubiquitin(1–74) significantly antagonized the pro-proliferative effect of SDF-1α. Values are means ± SEM.