Fig. 3.
The global distribution and genetic diversity and of MTBC phylogenetic lineages. MTBC global genotype distribution by country across all years based on a systematic review of TB molecular epidemiology studies employing one of four genotyping methods: (1) spoligotyping, (2) MLVA typing, (3) PCR typing for large sequence polymorphisms, and (4) whole-genome sequencing. All genotyping methods are converted to a common classification system based on phylogenetic lineages (Additional file 1: Tables S1 and S2), and pie charts show the proportion of lineages present in each country where data was available and studies met our inclusion criteria. Indo-Oceanic lineage 1 is shown in pink, lineage 2 is shown in blue, East African-Indian lineage 3 is shown in purple, Euro-American lineage 4 is shown in orange, West African lineages 5 and 6 are shown in green, and Ethiopian lineage 7 is shown in yellow. “Unknown” represents strain types that were not identified by the authors either due to low frequency or unknown genetic patterns. Studies that report prevalence of only one lineage and grouped all other genotypes as “other” are excluded from the map. If multiple studies were available in a country, strain counts were summed across all studies to get final proportions and sample sizes. The radius of each pie is proportional to the number of isolates collected in each country. Examples of sample sizes that correspond to pie sizes are shown in the legend in gray. The example pies shown represent the minimum, mid-point, and maximum samples sizes