Fig 4. Tolerant alleles are associated with enhanced fertility and reduced bruno expression.
Phenotypes of background-matched RILs (A, B, and C) carrying sensitive (A5, pink) and tolerant (A4, red) haplotypes across the QTL peak are compared. (A-B) Incidence of ovarian atrophy (A) and sterility (B) among dysgenic F1 female offspring of crosses between RIL females and Harwich males. Numbers in each bar indicate the sample size. (C) Offspring production of fertile F1 females from B. (D) Ovarian bruno expression relative to rpl32 in each RIL. Error bars in A, B, and D indicate the standard error. The individual numerical values required to generate bar and box plots for panels A, B/C, and D can be found in S6, S7 and S8 Data, respectively. F1, filial 1; F2, filial 2; QTL, quantitative trait locus; RIL, recombinant inbred line.