Figure 3.
Effects of anesthetics: MS-222 alone and MS-222/isoflurane combination and prolonged sedation with combined formula on heart rate. (A) MS-222 reduced the heart rate to 108 ± 16 bpm, whereas the combined formula maintained a normal heart rate of 148 ± 15 bpm. After 10 minutes, the combined-formula group had an average heart rate of 131 ± 19 bpm. Data are presented as the mean ± SD. n = 9 in the MS-222-only group; n = 10 in the combined formula group. (B) The combined-formula group maintained a normal heart rate of 148 ± 14 bpm. After 10 minutes, the combined-formula group had an average heart rate 131 ± 9 bpm. Paired t-tests showed no significant difference between one minute and 5 minutes and significant differences between the 1- to 10-minute, 20-minute and 30-minute measurements of the combined-formula anesthetic. Data are presented as the mean ± SD. n = 10; *indicates p < 0.05, **indicates p < 0.001 as determined by paired t-tests.