(A) BCVA over time with best-fit line depicting progressive decline with slope in each eye that was significantly different than zero but not significantly different than each other. The last two BCVA measurements were made within months following the surgery. Improvement from 20/500 to 20/50 occurred for the right eye, whereas the BCVA for the left eye was essentially unchanged from the previous measurements prior to the surgery. (B) Rod b-wave amplitude response to dim white light and cone b-wave amplitude response to photopic bright flash stimuli. Both rod and cone photoreceptor-dependent full-field ERG responses declined and were significantly below normal at 39 years of age in each eye. Progression for each photoreceptor-mediated amplitude is presented as the percentage of the patient’s amplitude compared with the normal mean value. (C) Multifocal ERG, performed at 39 years of age, showed diffuse attenuation of amplitude densities that was greater for the right eye. BCVA, best-corrected visual acuity; ERG, electroretinogram; OD, right eye; OS, left eye; y/o, years old; yrs, years.