Fig 2.
Graph of rectal temperature vs time for eight MHS-Hom (4F, 4M), 10 MHS-Het (5F, 5M) and 10 MHN (5F, 5M) animals exposed to increased environmental temperature (38°C). Both MHS-Hom and MHS-Het animals did not survive the exposure but there was a significant difference between the time of exposure and time to death between MHS-Hom and MHS-Het. There was no significant difference between males and females in either genotype. None of the MHN animals showed a significant increase in body temperature during the 80 min exposure time and all completed the experiment unharmed. MH, malignant hyperthermia; MHN, MH normal; MHS-Hom, homozygous MHS; MHS-Het, heterozygous MHS.