Fig. 2.
Strain-induced metallic state of Ca2−xPrxRuO4. a, b ARPES Fermi surface maps for a Ca2−xPrxRuO4 sample with x = 0.07 and a fully strained x = 0.04 sample measured at 50 K and 8 K, respectively. The former was measured on a sufficiently thick sample to cause almost complete relaxation of the initial strain. The data were acquired using 64 eV photons with linear horizontal polarization. Light colors correspond to high intensities. c Dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) calculation of the Fermi surface. For details, see methods. Light colors correspond to high intensities. d Fermi surface contours extracted from the data in b. Contours originating predominantly from the quasi-1D xz/yz orbitals and the in-plane xy orbital are colored in light blue and red, respectively