Table 5.
Spearman’s correlations of all social touch measures included in the study
Spearman’s rho | FTO | QPCE.C | QPCE.P | STQ |
TEAQ.ChT | − .76*** | .51*** | .24*** | − .42*** |
TEAQ.FFT | − .50*** | .35*** | .26*** | − .67*** |
TEAQ.CIT | − .33*** | .17* | .56*** | − .43*** |
TEAQ.ASC | − .26*** | .30*** | 0.12 | − .16* |
TEAQ.AIT | − .25*** | 0.12 | .38*** | − .51*** |
TEAQ.AUT | − .28*** | 0.11 | .23*** | − .74*** |
TEAQ Touch Experiences and Attitudes Questionnaire, ChT childhood touch, FFT friends and family touch, CIT current intimate touch, ASC attitude to self-care, AIT attitude to intimate touch, AUT attitude to unfamiliar touch, FTO familial touch orientation scale, QPCE.C questionnaire on physical contact experience childhood score, QPCE.P questionnaire on physical contact experience present score, STQ social touch questionnaire
***p ≤ 0.001; **p ≤ 0.01; *p ≤ 0.05 (2-tailed). Correlation coefficients > .3 are indicated in bold