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. 2018 Apr 23;75(24):4479–4493. doi: 10.1007/s00018-018-2819-7

Table 2.

Comparative proteomics of ciliary proteins in wild-type and FAP43 and FAP44 mutant cells

Proteins Number of unique peptides
WT FAP43-KO FAP43coDel FAP44coDel
Atu1 α-tubulin 2739/53 1924/52 2890/53 2646/50
Btu1 β-tubulin 3058/56 2423/56 2949/52 3072/51
ODA Dyh3 1616/425 1055/426 1411/440 877/261
ODA Dyh4 1702/448 1127/424 1395/445 981/284
ODA Dyh5 1164/345 906/355 990/355 701/225
IDA I1a Dyh6 440/234 371/236 377/222 98/59
IDA I1b Dyh7 387/220 356/252 359/218 86/61
Fap43 100/69 0 0 0
Fap44 88/64 0 0 0
Fap57A 43/36 43/36 40/35 21/20
Fap57B 19/17 29/26 15/14 9/9
Fap57C 19/18 12/12 8/8 5/5

Mass spectrometry analysis of the axonemal proteins from Tetrahymena wild-type, FAP43 knockout (FAP43-KO and FAP43coDel) and FAP44coDel mutant cells. The table shows the numbers (X/Y) of all the identified peptides (X) and identified unique peptides (Y). Note that Fap43p and Fap44p are missing in mutant but not in wild-type axonemes (all identified proteins are listed in Table S6)