Table 1.
Patient characteristics
The median age (mean; range) of all patients: 54y (52; 37-67y), median weight 71.9 kg (73; 52.3-95.3 kg)
Light grey shading (patients 1-4, found to show a predominant apoptotic signature)
Mid-grey shading (patients 5-13, found to show a predominant necrotic and/or necrotic/apoptotic signature)
Dark grey shading (patients 14 and 15, found to show neither a predominant apoptotic or necrotic shift)
IDC Invasive ductal carcinoma, HG DCIS High grade ductal carcinoma in-situ, IM DCIS Intermediate grade ductal carcinoma in-situ, ER Oestrogen receptor, PR Progesterone receptor, HER2 Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2
*AJCC staging (7th edition) used for TNM staging in breast and lung cancer