(A) Adult midgut epithelium from a female carrying a GFP protein trap insertion in the endogenous Crb locus stained with anti-GFP (green). Crb-GFP is not detectable in the adult midgut epithelium. Cora (red) and aPKC (white) are also shown. (B) ECs homozygous for crb8F105 (marked by GFP, green). The apical domain forms normally as revealed by the apical localization of Myo7a (red). (C) Conditional mis-expression of UAS-Crb in adult midgut ECs using MyoIA-GAL4; tubP-GAL80ts. Crb (green) localises to the BL but does not perturb SJ formation as revealed by Tsp2a (red). (D) Adult midgut epithelium expressing Baz-GFP under endogenous control (protein trap line), stained with anti-GFP (green) and anti-Baz (white). Baz/Baz-GFP is not detectable in ECs but is expressed in ISCs, in which it localises apically (white arrowhead). Cora (red) labels the SJ. (E) ECs homozygous mutant for baz4 (marked by GFP, green). The apical brush border forms normally as revealed by staining for F-actin with phalloidin (red). (F) Ectopic expression of UAS-Baz-GFP in adult midgut ECs using MyoIA-GAL4; tubP-GAL80ts has no effect on the formation of the apical SJ marked by Dlg (red). Baz-GFP localises to the apical domain and AJs (green). Scale bars, 10 μm. AJ, adherens junction; aPKC, atypical protein kinase C; Baz, Bazooka; BL, basal labyrinth; Cora, Coracle; Crb, Crumbs; Dlg, Discs large; EC, enterocyte; GFP, green fluorescent protein; MyoIA, Myosin IA; Myo7a, Myosin 7a; SJ, septate junction; Tsp2a, Tetraspanin 2a; tubP, tubulin promoter; UAS, Upstream Activation Sequence.