(A) Yurt (red) localises to SJs and is not detectable in ECs mutant for the loss-of-function allele yrt[E99] (marked by GFP, green). (B) In yurt mutant clones (marked by GFP, green), Par-6 (white) still localises to apical domain and Na+ K+ ATPase (stained with the pan-Na–pump β-subunit (Nrv) [62] antibody Nrv5F7 (red)) still localises to BL. (C) and (D) Yurt is not required for SJ formation, as Cora (C) (red) and Lgl (D) (red) still localise to SJ in yurt mutant clones (marked by GFP, green). Scale bars, 10 μm. BL, basal labyrinth; EC, enterocyte; GFP, green fluorescent protein; Lgl, Lethal (2) giant larvae; Nrv, Nervana; SJ, septate junction.