Chart 2.
Summary of the Intervention Program.
Session | Exercises | Metaphors |
1 | * Introduction of all group members; * Sharing motives for participating in the meditation course and expectations; * Presentation of prerequisite conditions for beginning to meditate and different aspects to take into account when practicing meditation; * Explanation of the flow meditation practice; * Realization of the first meditation practice |
2 | * Exercise of trying not to blink for one minute; * Finding analogies between the above exercise and control of one’s private events; * Meditation practice |
Bamboo metaphor |
3 | * Exercise of observing sensations in the facial area * Meditation practice |
River, Dirty glass, Operation, and Painful childbirth metaphors |
4 | * Exercise: observing sensations in the chest and abdominal area; * Meditation practice |
Monkey and banana metaphors |
5 | * Exercise of observing sensations in the back area; * Exercise of remembering words; * Exercise of observing one’s thoughts; * Exercises: Which numbers are they? and What’s your mother’s name? * Meditation practice |
The two monks metaphor |
6 | * Exercise of observing sensations in one’s arms; * Exercise of counting thoughts; * Meditation practice |
Story of the two rings |
7 | * Exercise of observing sensations in one’s legs; * Meditation practice |
Metaphor of the radio turned on |
8 | * Exercise of observing sensations throughout one’s body; * Exercise of analyzing the “I should’s” and “I ought to’s” |
9 | * Exercise of accepting bothersome and inconvenient private events; * Exercise of saying yes and doing no, and saying no and doing yes; * Meditation practice |
The computer and the polygraph metaphor, the Story of Miaou |
10 | * Meditation practice | Metaphor of the Indians collecting firewood |
Note: Metaphors are types of analogies. An analogy is a comparison between two things to show their similarities or relationship. Metaphors are used to help people get distance from their thoughts and play an important role in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).