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. 2018 Jul 20;187(11):2449–2459. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwy149

Table 1.

Terminology for Estimation of Individual and Disseminated Effects in Network-Randomized Studies

Recommended Term Alternative Term(s) Definition Parameter of Interest Network-Randomized Design Estimator
Aggregatea Stratifiedb
Individual Direct Effect on persons directly receiving an intervention beyond being in an intervention network E[Ykij(1,1)]cE[Ykij(0,1)]d γˆ3 αˆ1βˆ1
Disseminated Indirect, social diffusion, diffusion of innovation, contamination, spillover Effect on persons who received an intervention indirectly through the index participant E[Ykij(0,1)]E[Ykij(0,0)]e γˆ2 βˆ1
Composite Total Combined individual and disseminated effects; effect among index members in intervention networks contrasted with effect among network members in control networks E[Ykij(1,1)]E[Ykij(0,0)] γˆ2+γˆ3 αˆ1
Overallf Crude Effect among members of intervention networks contrasted with effect among members of control networks E[Ykij(,1)]gE[Ykij(,0)]h βˆ1

Abbreviation: GEE, generalized estimating equation.

a For a network-randomized design, rate difference parameters of the individual, disseminated, and composite effects, respectively, can be estimated from an aggregate GEE model with an identity link and binomial variance: E[Ykij|Rki,Xk,Zki]=γ0+γ1Rki+γ2Xk+γ3XkRki+γ4Zki.

b For a network-randomized design, rate difference parameters of the individual, disseminated, and composite effects, respectively, can be estimated from a stratified GEE model with an identity link and binomial variance: E[Ykij|Rki,Xk,Zki]=I(Rki=0)×(β0+β1Xk+β2Zki)+I(Rki=1)×(α0+α1Xk+α2Zki).

cYkij(1,1) is the potential outcome for participant i at visit j in network k, if, possibly contrary to fact, this participant was an index member in a network randomized to the intervention group. E[X] is the expectation of the random variable X.

dYkij(0,1) is the potential outcome for participant i at visit j in network k, if, possibly contrary to fact, this participant was a network member in a network randomized to the intervention group.

eYkij(0,0) is the potential outcome for participant i at visit j in network k, if, possibly contrary to fact, this participant was a network member in a network randomized to the control group.

f For a network-randomized design, the parameter of the overall effect is estimated from a GEE model with an identity link and binomial variance: E[Ykij|Xk]=β0+β1Xk.

gYkij(,1) is the potential outcome for participant i at visit j in network k, if, possibly contrary to fact, this participant was in a network randomized to the intervention group.

hYkij(,0) is the potential outcome for participant i at visit j in network k, if, possibly contrary to fact, this participant was in a network randomized to the control group.