H19RNA is not expressed in CK19+ cholangiocytes but is expressed in HNF4α+ hepatocytes in mouse DDC and Mdr2 (Abcb4)–/– models and in human PBC and PSC liver specimens. (A) Representative image of H19RNA with CK19 in DDC mouse liver. (B) Representative image of H19RNA with CK19 in 7‐month‐old female Mdr2
–/– mouse liver. (C) Representative image of H19RNA with HNF4α in 7‐month‐old female Mdr2
–/– mouse liver. Yellow arrow, H19RNA single‐labeling cell; red arrow, HNF4α single‐labeling cell; white arrow, H19RNA and HNF4α double‐labeling cell; yellow circle, remarkable induction of H19RNA that overlaid with nucleus; brown circle, secreted H19RNA. (D) Representative image of H19RNA with HNF4α and SOX9 in 7‐month‐old female Mdr2
–/– mouse liver. White arrow, H19RNA and HNF4α double‐labeling cell; brown arrow, SOX9 single‐labeling cell; green arrow, HNF4α single‐labeling cell; pink circle, H19RNA, HNF4α, and SOX9 triple‐labeling cell. (E,F) Representative images of H19RNA with (E) CK19 and (F) HNF4α in female PBC and male PSC liver specimens. Orange arrow, H19RNA detected in nucleus; white arrow, H19RNA dispersing into neighboring (E) CK19+ cells and (F) cytoplasmic HNF4α cells. Scale bar, 20 µm (A‐D), 50 µm (E,F).