(a) Top, representative voltage responses from a +150 pA current injection step (1 s) in PV- and SST-like interneurons in either the CA1 region of the hippocampus (P12–P17) or L2/3 of the somatosensory cortex (P8–P11). For L2/3 recordings, cells were also confirmed by immunoreactivity against SST antibodies. Bottom, summary graphs showing the effect of deleting KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 channels on action potential number from CA1 PV-like (control n = 8/6; IN:Kcnq2/3 null n = 8/5), SST-like (control n = 19/8; IN:Kcnq2/3 null n = 8/4), and L2/3 (PV-like: control n = 10/7; IN:Kcnq2/3 null n = 8/4; SST-like: control n = 10/6; IN:Kcnq2/3 null n = 5/4) interneurons (Vh=-75 to −77 mV). For CA1 PV-like cells (P16–P25), F(9,126)=2.849, p=0.0043; for L2/3 PV-like cells, F(9,144)=3.845, p=0.0002); for CA1 SST-like cells (P15–P19), F(9,225)=0.601, p=0.7955; and for L2/3 SST-like cells, F(9,117)=0.326, p=0.965. Significance was determined using a two-factor mixed ANOVA. See Figure 2—figure supplement 1 showing that indeed SST cells express KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 mRNA. (b) Top, representative voltage responses to a series of current injection steps (1 s) in PV+ and SST+ interneurons in the CA1 region of the hippocampus (Vh=-75 to −77 mV). Bottom left, summary graph showing the effect of deleting KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 channels on action potential number from CA1 PV+ cells (control n = 15/8; PV:Kcnq2/3 null n = 14/7; F(9,243)=3.558 with p=0.0004). Middle left, summary graph showing that loss of KCNQ2/3 channels decreases PV+ input resistance (control, n = 15/8; PV:Kcnq2/3 null, n = 14/7; df = 27 t=−2.54 p=0.017 unpaired Student’s t-test). See also Figure 2—figure supplement 2 regarding PV+
Kcnq2/3 null neurons diversity of intrinsic properties. Middle right, summary graph showing the effect of deleting KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 channels on action potential number from CA1 SST+ cells (control n = 6/2; SST:Kcnq2/3 null n = 8/4; F(9,108)=0.729 with p=0.6814). Bottom right, summary graph showing loss of KCNQ2/3 channels did not decrease SST+ input resistance (control n = 6/2; SST:Kcnq2/3 null, n = 8/4; df = 12 t=−0.42 p=0.68 unpaired Student’s t-test). ‘n’ designates number of cells followed by number of animals. Each data point represents recording from one neuron. Data in summary graphs are represented as mean and s.e.m.
Figure 2—source data 1. Source data for Figure 2.