Figure 3.
Interactions between cpzA3H proteins and the RNA duplex. (A) Overall structure of cpzA3H–dsRNA complex. The cpzA3H and the dsRNA are represented with gray ribbons and orange/yellow sticks, respectively. cpzA3H residues responsible for the RNA interaction are highlighted with cyan sticks. The loop 5 is indicated as L5. L1′ and α6′ are in chain B. (B) The electron density map (2FO-FC, contoured at the 1.5σ level) around the termini of the RNA duplex. The aromatic residues involved in the nucleobase interactions are highlighted with cyan sticks. (C) A hypothetical path for the extended ssRNA portion (beige dashed line). The electrostatic surface potential is colored between –5.0 kT/e (red) and +5.0 kT/e (blue).