Figure 4.
Loop dependent recognition of G-quadruplex structure by the RGG-box. (A) 2D 15N–1H HSQC spectrum of the free RGG-box (black) and in complex with Tel6 at 1:6 protein to DNA molar ratio (red). No significant chemical shift perturbations were observed for this interaction. Tetrameric G-quadruplex form of Tel6 that is devoid of loops is shown as a cartoon. (B) 2D 15N–1H HSQC spectrum of the free RGG-box (black) and in complex with Tel12 at 1:1 protein to DNA molar ratio (red). Dimeric G-quadruplex form of Tel12 consisting of two loops is shown as a cartoon. Specific chemical shift perturbations were observed for several residues (marked with green arrows). (C) A subset of residues of RGG-box that show specific chemical shift perturbation upon addition of Tel12 is shown. The RGG-box and Tel12 complex was in fast to intermediate exchange. Three steps of titration at different protein to DNA ratios are shown: black at 1:0, green at 1:0.5 and red at 1:1.