Figure 4.
Solution structure of the Rok-C102-185/DNA complex. PDB code: 5ZUX. (A) Superposition of the protein backbone and DNA for the ensemble of 20 conformers of Rok-C102–185 in complex with Seq1 DNA. (B) Electrostatic potential surface of Rok-C102–185 protein in the complex. (C) The winged helix domain (cyan) of Rok binds to the A6A7C8T9A10 region (hot pink) of Seq1 DNA at the minor groove, while the N-terminal tail (blue) interact with the C1T2A3A4T5 region (pale green). (D and E) Protein residues interacting with Seq1 DNA. Residues inserted into the minor groove are colored blue and residues interacting with the phosphate groups are colored magenta. (F) Interactions of N154, T156 and R174 with the bases of the A6A7C8T9A10 region in the minor groove through hydrogen bonds.