Ion-implanted impurity atoms in graphene, as imaged with scanning transmission electron microscopy. Due to the atomic-number dependent contrast, lighter atoms appear dark and heavier bright. (a) Boron (dark atom) implanted at 25 eV and (b) nitrogen (bright atom) implanted at 25 eV. Both images adapted with permission from Ref. [87], Copyright (2013) American Chemical Society. (c) Phosphorus (bright atom) implanted at 30 eV. The bright area at the bottom and on the left is caused by carbon-based contamination on graphene. Adapted from Ref. [92], licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. (d,e) Three- and fourfold-coordinated implanted germanium atoms. Implantation energy was 20 eV. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [93]. Copyright (2018) American Chemical Society.