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. 2018 Oct 13;10(10):1499. doi: 10.3390/nu10101499

Table 3.

Overview of effects of increased short-chain fatty acids and butyrate production and parameters related to systemic inflammation.

Dietary Fibre Source Species Model SCFA/Butyrate Effects Reference
AX + RS Human MetS Faecal SCFA ↑
Faecal butyrate ↑
Hs-CRP →
IL-6 →
IL-1RA →
Trans-GOS Human Healthy elderly Not measured IL-6 ↓
IL-1β ↓
TNFα ↓
IL-10 ↑
FOS Human Elderly Not measured IL-6 (mRNA) ↓ [111]
RS Human MetS Not measured IL-6 →
TNFα →
Whole grain rye and wheat vs. refined flour Human MetS Not measured Hs-CRP →
IL-6 →
IL-1RA →
TNFα →
Whole grain Human Overweight,
BMI > 25 kg/m2
Not measured Hs-CRP →
IL-6 →
High-fibre diet based on oat bran, rye bran and sugar beet fibre vs. low-fibre diet based on refined products Human Hypercholesterolemic subjects Not measured CRP ↓
IL-6 →
IL-1RA →
TFNα →
IFN-γ →
IL-17A →
IL-1β →
Healthy Nordic high-fibre diet vs. low-fibre refined control Human MetS Not measured Hs-CRP →
IL-1RA ↓
IL-1β →
IL-6 →
IL-10 →
RS Human Prediabetic Not measured Hs-CRP →
TNFα ↓
IL-6 →

SCFA, short-chain fatty acids; AX, arabinoxylan; RS, resistant starch; GOS, galactooligosaccharides; FOS, fructooligosaccharides; MetS, metabolic syndrome; BMI, body mass index; hs-CRP, high-sensitive acute-phase C-reactive protein; IL, interleukine; TNFα, tissue necrotic factor α. ↑ ↓ → denote if the level is higher, lower or the same as in the control group.