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. 2017 Sep 29;2(1):31. doi: 10.1007/s41109-017-0051-2

Table 5.

Statistical models of success

1. OLS model of log(Releases) 2. NB model of Releases 3. OLS model of log(Releases) with fixed effects 4. NB model of Releases with fixed effects
Forbidden triads .0445*** (.0100) .2648*** (.0511) .0316*** (.0112) .2253*** (.0528)
Forbidden triads (squared) −.0383*** (.0114) −.2282*** (.0585) −.0291** (.0127) −.2672*** (.0606)
Closed triads −.0052 (.0086) −.0252 (.0449) .0147 (.0099) .0730 (.0471)
Closed triads (squared) .0044 (.0078) .0114 (.0409) −.0173 (.0090) −.0843* (.0429)
Median tie strength −.0007*** (.0002) .0071*** (.0012) −.0006* (.0003) −.0071*** (.0013)
Median tie strength (squared) .0000* (.0000) −.0001*** (.0000) −.0000 (.0000) −.0000 (.0000)
Distinctiveness −.0723*** (.0067) −.5120*** (.0354) −.0425*** (.0094) .1248*** (.0428)
Musicians (n) .0002*** (.0001) −.0024*** (.0005) .0011*** (.0001) .0078*** (.0006)
Newbies proportion −.0779*** (.0033) −.5364*** (.0185) −.0783*** (.0047) −.2066*** (.0224)
Median past releases .0358*** (.0002) .1162*** (.0010) .0261*** (.0002) .0239*** (.0003)
Past sessions (n) −.0000*** (.0000) .0001*** (.0000) −.0000*** (.0000) −.0005*** (.0000)
Year −.0040*** (.0000) −.0200*** (.0001) −.0055*** (.0001) −.0027*** (.0004)
Constant .7215*** (.0049) 2.3051*** (.0261) −.8403*** (.0088) 1.5289*** (.0392)
Fixed effects for band leader No No Yes Yes
N of observations 81,527 81,527 72,042 72,042
F 7866.36*** 1886.44***
Chi-square 65,153.39*** 8088.77***
R-square (adjusted) .536 .189a .514 .339a
Log likelihood −139,558.13 −104,666.63

Notes: aMcFadden’s adjusted pseudo R-squared is used. Standard errors are in parentheses. *: P < .05; **: p < .01; ***: p < .001