Table 9.
Statistical models of success, with National Endowment for the Arts Jazz Masters award winning band leaders excluded
1. OLS model of log(Releases) | 2. NB model of Releases | 3. OLS model of log(Releases) with fixed effects | 4. NB model of Releases with fixed effects | |
Forbidden triads | .0372*** (.0099) | .2503*** (.0533) | .0256* (.0112) | .3124*** (.0432) |
Forbidden triads (squared) | −.03170** (.0113) | −.2334*** (.0612) | −.0226 (.0127) | −.2905*** (.0499) |
Closed triads | −.0068 (.0084) | −.0364 (.0464) | .0127 (.0099) | .1828*** (.0388) |
Closed triads (squared) | .0058 (.0077) | .0150 (.0423) | −.0152 (.0090) | −.1948*** (.0352) |
Median tie strength | .0006* (.0002) | .0070*** (.0013) | −.0005 (.0003) | −.0001 (.0010) |
Median tie strength (squared) | .0000 (.0000) | −.0001** (.0000) | −.0000 (.0000) | −.0000 (.0000) |
Distinctiveness | −.0606*** (.0065) | −.4545*** (.0364) | −.0347*** (.0094) | .0989** (.0369) |
Musicians (n) | .0002** (.0001) | −.0025*** (.0005) | .0011*** (.0001) | .0078*** (.0006) |
Newbies proportion | −.0691*** (.0032) | −.4854*** (.0188) | −.0703*** (.0046) | −.4646*** (.0186) |
Median past releases | .0399*** (.0002) | .1238*** (.0011) | .0291*** (.0002) | .0313*** (.0002) |
Past sessions (n) | .0000*** (.0000) | .0001*** (.0000) | −.0000*** (.0000) | −.0001*** (.0000) |
Year | −.0037*** (.0000) | −.0188*** (.0002) | −.0049*** (.0001) | −.0325*** (.0004) |
Constant | .6713*** (.0049) | 2.1477*** (.0270) | .7735*** (.0091) | 25.7289*** (5.8185) |
Fixed effects for band leader | No | No | Yes | Yes |
N of observations | 75,968 | 75,968 | 66,486 | 66,486 |
F | 7866.36*** | 1886.44*** | ||
Chi-square | 59,960.04*** | 26,950.60*** | ||
R-square (adjusted) | .554 | .1921 | .534 | .3421 |
Log likelihood | −126,420.48 | −100,230.29 |
Notes: 1: McFadden’s adjusted pseudo R-squared is used. Standard errors are in parentheses. *: p < .05; **: p < .01; ***: p < .001