Figure 7.
Co-localization of γHistone2AX foci with the telomeric protein TRF2. A, Example of immuno-staining of the cells treated with telomere-binding drugs 6-Thio-dG, Pt-ttpy and Cu-ttpy. Green signals – γHistone2AX staining. Red signals – TRF2 as a marker for telomeres localization. Accumulation of γHistone2AX foci occurred at day 3 in all cases. Co-localization of green and red signals indicates for the presence of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in the telomeric sequences (for details see Materials and Methods). B, A statistical effect of co-localization of γHistone2AX foci and TRF2 protein. A statistical effect was determined at day 3. Left panel shows the number of γHistone2AX foci in the cells treated with the drugs after 24, 48 and 72 hrs. Right panel shows the percentage of γHistone2AX foci present in the telomeric sequences. For each sample at least 120 nuclei were analyzed. Statistically significant (Fisher exact test: p-value; 2-tailed) results are indicated on the figure with square brackets.