Figure 1. Identification of UCS somatic chromosomal alterations (SCAs) that are shared, carcinoma-specific and sarcoma-specific.
(A) B-allele frequencies across the genome of the carcinoma (top) and sarcoma (bottom) components of a UCS tumor from subject 0609. The fluctuating blue line across the plot represents a posterior probability of SCAs across each sample’s genome. Dark blue dots represent the B-allele frequencies at markers in the genome where both the carcinoma and sarcoma components exhibit SCAs. Light blue represents portions of the genome that have carcinoma-specific SCAs (see chr 6). Similarly, green represents portions of the genome that have sarcoma-specific SCAs (see chr 7q). Both the carcinoma-specific and sarcoma-specific SCAs are characterized as private SCAs in downstream analyses. (B) The blue and red markers for each plot correspond to the same maternal and paternal haplotypes for the pair of samples described in (A), identifying regions of the genome that are discrepant in their overrepresented haplotypes. This suggests that events at these regions of the genome are independent; thus, events in these regions are re-classified from shared to private SCAs.